Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back in training and racing

After over a week of break due to twisted ankle, I made a come in a big way last weekend. I ran a relay with a flyer team up in Westchester. As such 50mi relay in mountainous region is pretty adventurous. The near 100 degree temperature definitely pushed it into borderline insanity. Fortunately my team kept its "cool" and we had a lot of fun. Frankly I had a pretty hard time even to avoid walking for 5mile leg and I was amazed at rest of the teammates running much longer distances in such conditions.

Unfortunately the race got canceled right after my leg just about 40miles into the run which kindda sucked but by 3pm it was getting pretty toasty running on streets and perhaps it was for the best.

Anyway, there was no way I could have run barefoot on concrete sidewalk in such heat so I ran in my frees. I even managed to get a small blister running in shoes on such a small run which I thought was funny. But I am now fully recovered from all injuries and squeezed in two 5mi barefeet runs in 80 degree heat this week.

Today is another big day. I am seriously considering running my 5mi fathers day race today barefoot. I did do a 5mi run yesterday on hot rough surface so I am a bit concerned about getting a blister today. So maybe I might carry my vibram 5fingers shoes in hands just in case. It is also a bit intimidating running barefeet among five thousand shodded runners stomping the ground. Not to mention facing variety of reactions from such a large group. I wonder if I am ready yet to defend barefoot adventure to those who think its taboo to get out of shoes in public. Sometimes its good to be in this crazy town full of nuts as pretty much anything goes in nyc. So there is good chance I can get away with barefoot running in the race. Certainly nonbody has bothered me so far on my training runs. But let's see how it goes.

Barefoot mile count 76mi

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