Thursday, August 13, 2009

WOD#158 Backsquat 3-3-3-3-3 105# 7:55@125/148

Backsquat 75-85-95-95-105x3. Relatively light weight but the bar kept rolling on the back a bit I decided not to push my luck. The bar kept rolling as a made adjustments to my form on the fly as I realized that technically, I can bend forward a bit as long as I keep firm lumbar curve. On burpee front, the 100pushup in Tuesday wod took its toll and I was hurting a bit before the burpees but I did the 40 burpees in sub-4min.

1 comment:

j. said...

Hi Barefoot in New York.

My name is Jea. I coincidentally picked up a Men's Health article by Chris McDougall that covered the Tarahumara. Since then I was very intrigued by the principles of barefoot running and started to run in Vibram Five Fingers recently. Do you have any tips for a beginner barefoot runner and do you know if their are any barefoot running groups that meet up in NY?