Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WOD#109 500m/1000m/2000m Row with 30-20-10 elevated Pushups

Rowing was relatively consistent at 2:20-2:40min/500m and ended the 3.5K in 17:25min. It was very exausting which was surprising since it cant be more difficult than running. Rowing may not be as exausting from cardio perspective but it is quite a whole body cardio + strength workout and I dont think I have EVER rowed anything more than 1000m so I am pretty happy I didnt breakdown in the last 2000m rowing round. The Elevated Pushups were quite interesting. I did the 30-20-10 sets with legs on a medicine ball without getting off the ball and resting after sub-set of 5 in high position of pushups. It made the for the 30 and 20 pushups very dicy in the end. I was also having some problem keeping balance on the ball as I got tired. I am glad I decided to do this sub for benchpress. It made for an excellent workout for me, arguably more complete than regular benchpressing which I have still yet to try (yes quite intentional)

WOD#109 500m/1000m/2000m Row with 30-20-10 elevated Pushups

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