Saturday, May 23, 2009

WOD#112 "Michael" 3 x (800m/50bkext/50situp) 24:17@162/185

WOD#112 "Michael" 3 x (800m/50bkext/50situp) 24:17@162/185
Compare to wod#22@30:09 and probably not a max effort as I wasnt doing first two rounds of situps/bkext continuously. I thought the runs will take wind out of me. But I also slowed down the runs to 7min/mi which is hard but not really all out effort. Max HR was 185 (compared to 199 I reached couple of days back for 400m). Interestingly enought both situp sets were well within 2min (US airforce requirement). On related topic, yesterday's 20 pushups (elevated were also well within the 24/2min limit (48sec/78sec). Next time this workout comes up I shouldshoot for 20min if I can get the transition right.

WOD#112 "Michael" 3 x (800m/50bkext/50situp) 24:17@162/185

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