Monday, July 6, 2009

WOD#140 2 x mirror x (30#LeftPP + 45#RightDL + 800mROW) 26:51@167/187

Splits: 6:03, 6:29, 6:43, 7:30, 3210mROW in 15min (max resistance!), weights too light.

Original WOD Rxed barbell with 65#PP and 135#DL which includes a huge balance element but it just wasnt practical to do in my globo gym. Not to mention, 45# one handed Pushpress would probably be impossible for me even as one rep max, nevermind 12 reps after intense cardio. The workout was designed to get heart pumping and then see if brain can function the complex movements involving single hand and moving weight above head. I scaled down weights quite a but to 30#PP/45#DL DB and I could have gone a bit heavier but I think I would have missed out on the cardio/weight combo element of the workout. The workout wasnt a killer but i had no real excuse not slowdown between rowing intervals for weights. PP was still hard. DL was easy but somehow, my form wasnt right and I was getting funny sharp pains.
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WOD#140 2 x mirror x (30#LeftPP + 45#RightDL + 800mROW) 26:51@167/187

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