Friday, April 24, 2009

Second elements class, half cindy and pushup crisis

WOD#102 Pushups Tabata 10-10-10-10-5-5-5-5

As suggested in first elements class, I did a push up Tabatas. I started with 10 each round but soon realized that I wont lost all 8 rounds with 10 pushups. I scaled down to 5 in fifth round. Even then, I had couple of moments of scares when I had the darnest time pushing up and I was just about to fall flat on face. What a brutal workout for a 4minutes!

WOD#103 half Cindy 6rnds+PUs x (5PU/10Push/15Squat) 10min@171/190

This was the second elements class. The wod for the class fortunately was something I had done couple of time before (once 5 rounds, once 10 rounds in 20min). I did a quick check was amazed in difference in intensity. The wod in crossfitnyc was by far the most intensity. The number of rounds were not too impressive but they were much better forms. The only weakness in form was the pushups. I thought they were complete but then coach pointed I wasnt touching the ground at the bottom. Touching the ground put a complete break in my momentum as I just could not do the 10pushups in quick manner. I hope this is due to my pushup Tabata effort to breaking point on previous day. Otherwise, I will have to work on my pushups. I cant have pushups weaker than pullups.Rest of the elements class (coach Joshua) was fun. We did some squats and deadlifts again and tried SDLHP (new trick learned is spreading the legs) and backsquats (trick is to lock the bar in notch just below the neck and not on the neck itself). We also touch on kipping pullups and ring dips/muscle ups. Finally the high point was the headstand and HSPU. I managed to get on headstand which was first for me. This is something which needs lot of work but I am ecstatic that I could even stand on my hands at all. I always thought I couldnt till i could do body weight overhead squat (which is of course BS).

BF in NY for 864mi

WOD#103 half Cindy 6rnds+PUs x (5PU/10Push/15Squat) 10min@171/190

WOD#102 Pushups Tabata 10-10-10-10-5-5-5-5

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