Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WOD#94 3 x (21 L PU, 3 x 3 ropish PU) 13:25@140/154 +21 KPU

As usual, first set of PUs were easy and they dramatically got harder after that. First round took 2:45 while next two took well over 5min. After a rest day, it felt good doing PUs, especially since my legs were sore from the semi-RACE last weekend. Rope clibe was substituted by rope PU 3x3. I need to find a rope to do the original. They key here is grip. I still dont think I can hang by holding a towel.

WOD#95 21-18-15-12-9-6 PU/Sit +100Lunges between 25:30@160/174

Monster workout! Interestingly enough, my timing was 20sec slower than WOD68 (25:10@148/174). Clearly my PUs have improved since and I inrtoduced kipping PUs so I would have thought that my time would improve. I took long breaks before and bween PUs as lunges got my HR elevated.

WOD#96 SP, PP, PJ 5 x 1-3-5

45# warmups and 65#

WOD#97 10KRACE@8:20 Barefoot in chilly rain 50:46@177/189

(substitute for 5K WOD) The race at 50:46min might be a PR for me (previous PR 52:08) though I cant be sure because I think I might have missed the startline by 0.1-0.2mi (the start and finish are stacked close because Centra Park is a 6.03mi. If I add a minute+ I get damn close to PR. So I am not going to challenge the PR.However, more interestingly, the barefoot running turned out to be a disaster. The main problem was dumb decision by me to run to and back from the start line 2mi from home (6+2+2=10mi!). My feet were not ready to 10mi barefoot fast run on wet surface...wet and very coarse surface of central park loop. The race was fine except for the big crowd but I had trouble getting back. Its too bad because I really wanted to run this race kindda fast. Avereage HR of 177bpm is not that high so I didnt push hard from cardio perspective. But I had to take it a little easy on my soles. I am sure it did not help that I had to run to the startline 2mi from home before the race making it effectively 8mi race. Oh well.
It was raining continuously the whole time and it was windy and chilly 45 degrees which did not help. I didnt realize this till I got home but the problem was two blisters on my right foot. One at base of the heel and other at front of the sole. I am a bit disappointed, partly due to missing a PR and partly due to these blisters. None of them are serious and they are all close under solid sole skin. But I was looking forward to the crossfit wod tomorrow at Black Box and now I will have to go limping (it at all). Ouch. I really want to heal before it. Just for fun I tries crawling around the apartment on all four to give the soles some rest. It was enlightening how hard life can be without legs. Also the new strength in hands have been coming in handy keeping pressure off heels when moving around. Anyway. Lessons learnt are* Bike to and back from races.* Not underestimate issues running longer distances in wet cold conditions* Need those long runs if I want to avoid repetation of the last year's marathon.

BF in NY for 864mi

WOD#94 3 x (21 L PU, 3 x 3 ropish PU) 13:25@140/154 +21 KPU

WOD#95 21-18-15-12-9-6 PU/Sit +100Lunges between 25:30@160/174

WOD#96 SP, PP, PJ 5 x 1-3-5

WOD#97 10KRACE@8:20 Barefoot in chilly rain 50:46@177/189

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