Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PU Mania! and FrontSqt

WOD#168 FrontSqt 3x(65#85#95#105#115#) 14:02@131/158
Compare with WOD#86 45#, 65#, 85#, 95#, 115# 20:10@145/174 and wod#62(?) The max is same as wod#86 but upto105#, the FrontSqt preceeded with DL and PowerClean. I had to jump on to sqtrack for the 115#. 115# was not a PR effort. Perhaps next time... WOD#168 FrontSqt 3x(65#85#95#105#115#) 14:02@131/158

WOD#169 PU Mania! 10x(3@17.5#-5-7) 49:16@137/171
Comare with WOD#133 20-20-20-20-20-15-15-10-10-10#x3-5-7 54:55@134/167,
WOD#85 PU Mania 10x(1@20#, 3 strict, 5 kipping) 25:52@136/157 and wod#30
I think wod#133 was the culprit for my ring finger injury which followed the couple of days of fasting mania. I had much better control over the wod today than last time. (Granted the weight was 17.5# as opposed to 20# for first few rounds but at least I didnt dropped weights and on average 17.5 is still higher than 16.) PU Mania is one wod which I absolutely hate. Its bad enough to do 150PU but weighted and straight PUs jam up the hands quickly. The form deteriorated rapidly. But at least blisters were not as much issue...just one this time on ring finger due to taping.
Total sets 60 (weighted: 25, Straight: 22, Kipping: 13).

WOD#168 FrontSqt 3x(65#85#95#105#115#) 14:02@131/158
WOD#169 PU Mania! 10x(3@17.5#-5-7) 49:16@137/171

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