Thursday, September 24, 2009

WOD#166 Tabata Something Else! 16:00@163/182

44PUL/62PSH/78SIT/100SQT...Compare with WOD#1, 8PUL/24PSH/40SIT/80SQT. Yes the very first wod. And an absolute classic. Exact breakdown for the tabatas were as follows:
PU 7-7-5-5-5-5-5-5
Push 12-12-10-8-5-5-5-5
Sit 12-10-10-10-10-10-8-8
Sqt 12-12-12-12-13-13-13-13
Pullups were low in count but the push ups turned out to be the challenge. Rapid deterioration in sets indicates that. At one point I even fell flat on face once which was quite funny. I was hurting by the time the squat intervals started. I wish I had pushed a bit harder in the squats. Ascending count is great but just shows that I was holding back in first few rounds. The HR did peak during the squat sessions. The peak was not too high at 182 but it felt quite hard to breath during the squats. But all in all, this was a fun wod. Its hard not to like a wod names "tabata something else"
WOD#166 Tabata Something Else! 16:00@163/182

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